About Lesley Ann

Working ON not IN your business. How the hell do you do that?

Working ON your business is all very well – but what if you don’t have the time?

As coaches, the most common complaint we hear from people who want to grow their
business: “I know I need to do some work ON my business, but I just don’t have the time”

And believe me, we understand!
We know you don’t have the time. So the question is: What are you going to do about it?

And if you don’t address this issue now, is anything ever going to change?


Hi, I’m Lesley Ann Grimoldby.

I’ve had the pleasure of creating effective systems as a business coach, working with
businesses right across the small and medium enterprise spectrum for over 15 years.

I discovered business coaching in the mid 1990s after reading Michael E Gerber’s top selling business book, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What To Do About It.

I was running my own Sydney-based public relations consultancy at the time and,  fascinated by the E-Myth principles, became a client of Mr Gerber’s E-Myth Worldwide, and soon after traveled to the United States to train to become a Certified E-Myth Consultant and later a founder and senior coach for Allied Enterprise Leadership.

Since then I’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of business owners in Australia, New Zealand and the US, helping them create the businesses of their dreams and achieve goals that had at first seemed unattainable as they turned their businesses into entities that gave them the lives they wanted.

I look forward to helping you take your business to the next level.

Click here to connect with me!